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Trochu Golf and Country Club -2024 Tournaments
10:00 AM Shotgun Start - 18 Holes (Texas Scramble)
breakfast, supper and prizes included
$400 per team of 4 (payable in full at time of entry). Payment accepted by e-transfer to or by providing credit card number.
entries open on Monday, April 1 at 8:00 AM by email to (maximum 24 teams)
will open in person when clubhouse opens for season (provided that space still exists)
All "club" tournaments are taking entry fees up-front. Entries are not official until payment is received. One payment covering a complete entry is expected and is appreciated. Please ensure that a tournament entry consists of both an email to enter, as well as e-transfer or card number for payment.
Ladies 4-Ball - Saturday May 11
Men's 4-Ball - Saturday May 25 and Sunday May 26
10:00 AM Shotgun Start - 18 holes per day
daily breakfast, Saturday supper and cash prizes included
minimum handicap of 40 per team, groups flighted based on handicap
$1000 per team of 4 (payable in full at time of entry). Payment accepted by e-transfer to or by providing credit card number.
entry reminders will be sent to 2023's registered teams. These teams will have from 8:00 AM on Monday, March 25 until 8:00 AM on Monday, April 1 to confirm entry. (to a maximum of 28 teams)
new teams may contact by email at to register or to be added to wait list as of 8:00 AM on Monday, April 1.
Club Championships - Thursday July 4 and Friday July 5
two weekday rounds-tee times depending on # of golfers
18 holes per day
Members only (for opportunity to become club champion)
Couples "Tees and Divots" Tournament - Saturday July 20
10:00 AM Shotgun Start - 18 Holes (9 holes Scotch ball/9 holes scramble) Please note new format.
breakfast, supper and cash prizes included
$240 per couple (payable in full at time of entry). Payment accepted by e-transfer to or by providing credit card number.
entries open through the clubhouse once season begins at (403)442-2747 (maximum 36 couples)
Farmers Tournament - Thursday August 1
9:30 AM Shotgun Start - 18 Holes (Texas Scramble)
breakfast, supper and prizes included
$75 entry fee per player (payable in full at time of entry). Payment accepted by e-transfer to or by providing credit card number.
enter as a team of 4 or as an individual (requires other individual entries to form team)
entries open through the clubhouse once season begins at (403)442-2747 (maximum 24 teams)
St. Mary's Health Care Tournament - Saturday August 10
9:30 AM Shotgun Start - 18 Holes (Texas Scramble)
breakfast, supper and prizes included
entry fee is $100/player
enter as an individual or as a team of 6
all entries to Ginny Walker at or Pat Holowath at
Mens Ultimate Challenge - Saturday October 5
9:30 AM Shotgun Start - 36 Holes (9 holes Best Ball, 9 holes Scotch ball, 9 holes alternate shot, and 9 holes Texas Scramble)
breakfast, supper and cash prizes included
teams will be flighted by handicap (minimum 20 handicap per team)
$350 entry fee per two man team (payable in full at time of entry). Entry begins Monday, April 1 at 8:00 AM via email to Payment accepted by e-transfer to or by providing credit card number.
entries open through the clubhouse at (403)442-2747 once season begins (maximum 30 teams)